Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Craig's Birthday!

On Saturday, November 7th Craig turned 43!

Our day started with my dad picking up the 3 big kids to take them out for the day. After they left, I fed the baby, Craig and I got ready and we went out for a bit. We stopped at a few stores to pick up a few things Craig was wanting with his birthday money! It was such a beautiful day here in Michigan that we stopped at our favorite park in Northville, put Levi in the stroller and went for a little walk and sat on a bench by our favorite stream. After a little bit in the park we headed home. We enjoyed the quiet afternoon with Levi and then my parents brought the kids back and we all had some Rice Krispie Treats (Craig's favorite) and hung out for a little bit.

Overall...a great day to celebrate an incredible man, husband, and dad! I am so blessed to have found a man of God who loves me and takes care of me like he does. He stepped into this family as the head of the house and took on 3 little kids! That is amazing right there!!! Now I get to watch him take care and love our sweet baby boy! God is good!

A few pictures from our day:
Levi in his "Daddy's Champ" outfit!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Introducing...Levi Isom Pritchett!

Wow...what a busy few weeks we have had...

On Monday, October 26th I started having some regular contractions that weren't super strong. Tuesday evening they were really strong but not very consistent...very confusing! By Wednesday morning, they stopped all together (after keeping me up most of the night with some strong pains). By 4pm when I was picking up the kids from school the contractions came back and I called the doctor so I could see what they thought before the office closed for the day. The doctor on call at the hospital said to come on in! Craig and I got our stuff ready and dropped off the kids at Ellen's house on our way to the hospital. We checked in and my contractions were really strong and only 3 to 4 minutes apart. My parents met us at the hospital. The nurse checked me and said I was already dilated to 4 or 5 and we would be prepping for the c-section within the hour! Everything went really fast....Craig and my parents prayed for the delivery and off I went to the O.R.

By 8:54pm Levi Isom Pritchett was born!
He weighed 7 pounds and measured 20 inches!
What a joy and blessing!!!

I was back in my hospital room fairly quickly and the Proud Daddy, Nana & Papa all took turns holding Levi!

Soon after, my dad went to my house to re-leave Rob who had taken the kids home and put them to bed for school the next day. Dad stayed at my house and mom went home to get a good nights sleep! On Thursday we had some friends and family visit to meet Levi! Bella, Robyn, and Salena all came. Nana and Aunt Ellen came too. After school the kids came to meet their baby brother! They stayed at Nana & Papa's house for a few days until we came home from the hospital...what a blessing it was to know that my other 3 kids were well taken care of so I could concentrate on Levi and healing myself. THANKS mom & dad!!!

By Saturday, October 31st...we were ready to go home and get settled in!

We have had some sleepless nights and some nights where Levi has amazed us and done really well...we are working a schedule that will help the whole family especially when Craig goes back to work at the end of the month....we are blessed beyond measure that Craig can be home until the 24th of November. We have had many visitors dropping off meals and coming to meet Levi since we came home... The Phail family came over on Sunday to meet the newest member of the family! It was funny to see just how big Grace (the little one) was next to the new little one, Levi!

On the 18th Grandpa & Memaw Pritchett are arriving from Atlanta to meet their new grandson and they will be with us for a few days! Big brother Ryan is planning to come in December for a week during his Christmas break! We can't wait!

What a miracle and blessing a new baby is to a family! God is so good and faithful!