Monday, June 16, 2008

Big Words...

the last few weeks we have been really talking to the kids about love and respect. Some mornings they are so cranky and tired and won't even say Good Morning...that is rude. We have been talking about using our words to be kind to others even when we don't want to. Alex learned an important word in Kindergarten this year. His teacher Mr. Lloyd had the letters INTEGRITY really big on the bookshelf in the classroom. When I first walked in I thought, "That is too big a work for those little kids." Boy was I wrong. Alex came home the first week of school telling me all about integrity. He says it like this, "Integrity is doing what is right when somebody is looking and even when nobody is looking." That's right...but God is always watching. I thought that was so cool that my little 5 year old could tell me such a big word. It challenged me that maybe I'm not giving my kids enough credit that they can learn more and understand those big words and the impact they have in our lives.

Our key words right now...Love, Respect, Integrity, Truth, Listen & Obey! Such important things to know and really use in our daily life.


perfectly p said...

I know exactly what you mean. I've been listening to "everywhere I go I see you" by MWsmith. in the car, yesterday my son told my husband to turn it up because he wanted to hear the God is always watching us song. I was speechless. One, because he gets it. Two,because he gets it. He is soaking in everything around him. Our responsibility to him has been taking up a few thousand notches. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water!

Mary Beth said...

That is awesome. Keep it up. It seems to fade at times when the teenage years hit.

Maybe I should have emphasized it a little more. LOL!

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

I'm constantly amazed at how my daughter exceeds my expectations, and I thought they were pretty high to begin with! We can learn SO much from our kids!