Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Here it is...another evening at home with my family! Craig has been home the last few days so it has been nice to share the load! I have been really thinking about life lately and how much I have to be thankful's overwhelming! God is so good!

The kids and I had a great trip to Florida and Georgia in February...a few weeks ago I celebrated my 34th birthday! On Thursday, Craig took Levi and I out to lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen and I picked out a cupcake dessert at Just Baked!!! Yummy! On Friday morning (my actual bday) I went out to breakfast with my friend Lisa, her mom and another friend Hope, we went to the mall to shop a little (had some money from my in-laws to spend) and then our small group met at my sisters house that night and we had yummy dessert and celebrated again! On Saturday, I went to a movie and out to dinner for a Girls Night was so much fun! A fun filled birthday week!!! I am blessed!

I have been going to a Moms Bible Study at Brightmoor church in Novi on Tuesday mornings...LOVING it! The study itself is great and the fellowship with the ladies is just what I need! The past few months we have been trying out a few churches in the area to see where our family fits and where God wants us right now. Oak Pointe in Novi is where we have landed. The kids love their classes and are excited about what they are learning. I am really excited about what the church as a whole is doing! The EACH (Everybody A Chance to Hear) outreach is a great way to reach out to friends, family and neighbors...there are over 400 other churches all working together to make sure the people of Metro Detroit know that God loves them and wants to be a part of their lives!!! Our small group has been meeting every Friday and that has been a blessing too!

Things have been busy around here as usual. The boys are done with winter sports so we have a few weeks off from running to Flag Football and Soccer...but mid April is coming fast and then we'll be back to it! Autumn and I just had a Mom/Daughter Tea with her Daisy Troop and that was a fun day out to get a little dressed up and have special time just the two of us! We are excited once again to be packing up and heading south for a week or so for Spring Break! The weather in Michigan right now is not spring enough for me!!! I am so thankful Craig has some time off and we can get away as a family and visit lots of family while we're gone. We will be in GA a few days to see RYAN and Craig's parents and extended family, then down to FL to see my parents, my aunt & uncle, the kids get to see their everywhere!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It's Tuesday...only 3 more days and we are on our way to Florida! Can't wait to feel the hot sun and not worry about bundling everyone up just to go outside! Usually by now I have everything packed and thought out...not so much this year. I don't know why I'm leaving it to the last minute, but we'll see how it goes! This year the weather is supposed to be in the mid to high 70's with maybe a few days in the 80's!!! Just what the doctor ordered! I've been working on some sort of point system for the kids to make our trip to Florida (20 hours in the car) a little fun and rewarding! For every hour they behave and get along with one another they can earn 100 points! There will be rewards set up for 200 points, 500 points and so on! I don't have all the rewards planned out...still working on that! I ordered a Kids Road Atlas and a couple other traveling books that will hopefully help entertain them. A friend of mine mentioned having some colored pipe cleaners handy in the car as something the kids can do to be creative...what a great idea! I can already picture the crazy, fun things the kids will make out of them! Another item for my list of things to pick up before Friday :)

Yesterday Craig took Levi and I to Bahama Breeze for lunch! Yummy! The kids had fun at their Valentines parties at school and we had a quiet evening at home together as a family! I love those quiet evenings...

Drew & Autumn both have 100 day of school projects to do so we got creative and came up with some fun to come! Drew took a square lego board and we took 100 little legos and spelled out "100"! It was my idea and he really resisted at first. I decided to start building it and see what he thought. Once he saw how cool it was going to be he got excited and finished it up! Autumn wanted to do Legos too, but I told her we could come up with something better that suited her better. I picked up a big white poster board and we laid out pink heart shaped marshmellows to spell "Autumn"! Looks so cute! Now just hoping the glue will hold them on the board!!! I have never been a crafty mom, but always wanted to be...if that even makes sense. I don't like the mess and clean up, but I love to see my kids as they are working hard on projects and the finished project is always so fun to see!

This post is all over the place...just some random things I'm doing and thinkin about this week!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011


We had another busy weekend...last Friday I drove down to Perrysburg, OH to visit my sis-in-law and the boys and pick up my computer that my brother was working on. He cleaned it all up for me and it's working great...thanks Chris! Levi had fun visiting with his cousins and I enjoyed my time with Mandy. Levi slept all the way home. He got home around 2:00 and had no power at the house. We already had plans to go to Ellen's in the evening for small group so I packed up some clothes and our pillows in case we had to stay the night. Picked up the kids from school and they said school was without power the last hour too. We got over to Ellen's and I got a text from a neighbor saying power was back on! We ended up staying at small group pretty in bed by 10:30pm.

Saturday was a stay home day around here...we all slept in and got to work cleaning up the house. I started in the living room and told the kids to work in their rooms. Next thing you know, we were cleaning out and rearranging both big kid rooms. It was fun, but a lot of work. The kids were excited for bed that night in their "new" rooms! We got another 3 inches of snow so once the kids went to bed I headed outside to shovel it off the driveway.

Sunday was a another great day! We went to church at Walled Lake Central and Autumn's friend Melissa came home with us to play for the afternoon. They had fun dancing, playing dolls, and putting on make-up. Melissa's favorite part was playing with Levi! We drove Melissa home around 5pm and headed to Ellen's for a Super Bowl Dinner and a little bit of the game! We got home after half time and Craig was home.

Today the kids had school and Craig, Levi & I just hung out at home. It was nice to do nothing! We've been trying to plan our April vacation to Florida. There are lots of people to see while we're there, but since it's Craig's vacation week we really wanted a nice, fun place to stay. We went onto and found a great house to rent right outside of Orlando. 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house with a private pool in the backyard and a clubhouse with pool, gym, video game's going to be great! Can't wait!!!

BUT first things first...I have a busy week ahead...Bible study tomorrow, Thirty One party on Thursday night, Girl Scout Cookie Pickup on Friday, then packing, packing, packing for our trip to Florida next Friday! I am ready for some sunshine and warm weather!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 31, 2011

Just another Monday....

Back to school for the kids and a trip to the grocery store for Levi and mommy! It wasn't just a regular day at Kroger for was crazy! There were people everywhere. The weather man says a BIG snowstorm is coming Tuesday to Wednesday...I've heard 8 to 10 inches and as high as 10 to 15 inches. I guess we'll have to wait to see what we really get! People forget we live in Michigan and snow is expected in Michigan. Most posts on facebook are about the snow coming or the crazy grocery stores!!!

Snow like this just reminds me how blessed we, shelter, family, friends...the list goes on. We have it all! Everyday I dream of a new house, new furniture, new everything...I don't need it. God has blessed me with so much! I have a great husband that works SO hard to provide for our family. We are in a position of saving some money and not living pay check to pay check like so many around us. We have a house big enough for all 6 of us (and a pull out couch when Ryan comes!!!), 2 vans that get us where we need to be or where we want to be, we are blessed! I am blesed to be a stay home mom and wife. It is easy to get caught up in what we want and what we don't have...I am guilty of this for sure. Time to count my blessings!!!

January 30, 2011


The kids and I started out our day at church at Walled Lake Central at 10am!!! It was a good service. Worship was really good and I didn't hear much of the speaker cause I was out with Levi and his runny nose. I went back and I go to church and get as much as I can since Levi won't be in the nursery or do I just stay home and hang out with the kids...well, being the "social" person that I am, I chose to go to church. The kids love it and want to be there so that was a good enough reason for me. Plus, I take Levi in the service with me and at least get to worship before he gets antsy and needs to go in the hall! I made the right decision for sure!!

After church we grabbed a bite to eat at Wendy's while Levi napped in the car (much needed nap) and then Alex had another Flag Football game. He is loving this sport and is really good at it. This is the 3rd sport he has tried and really succeed at! I'm one proud sport mom!!! The Buccaneers pulled off another win by 1 point in the last few seconds of the game.

The rest of the afternoon and evening we played games by the fire and relaxed! Craig got home around 7pm from a 4 day trip. Levi gets so excited when he sees daddy walk in the door!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29, 2011

The Weekend!!!!

The boys ended up spending the night with Josh & Uncle Robby! Hannah spent the night with Autumn & me! The girls played all morning and then we packed up and took Hannah home so we could pick up the boys and head to Drew's soccer game! He was pretty tired, but still managed to play hard and score a goal! After the soccer game we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to's about a 45 minute drive! We went over to Lori & Brian Bell's house. I haven't seen them in awhile so it was fun to hang out a little. Joy & Shawn came down the street with their kids too. The kids all played in the basement and we had a nice time catching up! We got home, kids took showers, Levi got a bath and they all went to bed! I am relaxing for a bit and going to bed early myself. A couple late nights in a row make for a tired mom and kids!!!

January 28, 2011


The kids had a day off of school so I was hoping they would sleep such luck! Last night we stayed up later than usual watching a movie...LEGO Adventures of Clutch Powers! It was a good movie. The boys really loved seeing all the LEGOS come alive! So...this morning Drew came in to wake me up a little before 7am and I sent him back to bed. After breakfast the kids and I got to work on cleaning the house...Alex worked on the Living room and the kids' bathroom, Drew worked on the boys' room and Autumn worked on her room. I did the rest of the house with Levi!!!

Around 10am one of Drew's classmates came over...Zeke with his mom (Kara) and two little brothers! It was fun! The kids played and had a ton of fun and I had some good conversation with Kara while we watched the little ones! We made lunch and then it was time for naps so they left and I laid Levi down. A couple hours later Ellen dropped off Josh, Hannah & Grace so she could take Emily on her Girl Scout Camping Trip! Rob picked up the 3 boys and took them to the Plymouth Whalers game with friends (Dennis, Dominic & Antonio). The girls watched a movie and I had fun playing with Levi & Grace. They are so funny together! Another great day...but SUPER busy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26, 2011

Another busy day for me...

Got up to get the kids ready to school and wasn't sure if I would go to my Bible Study (Coffee Break at Fellowship Church in South Lyon). It's a great study and I LOVE the Moms in the group. I dropped off the kids at school and decided if I got home quick I could take a shower and still make in time for the 10am study. I was SO glad I went. I spent some time with my friend Lisa running some errands and the rest of the afternoon with Craig and Levi...great day overall!

LEVI...I have been trying for MONTHS to get Levi to use sign language to say "Please". He would always just look at me or whine to get what he wanted. Today Craig was on the phone with his brother and talking about Girl Scout COOKIES. Levi heard that word and went to the gate asking for a cookie. When we didn't respond cause we didn't really know what he wanted...he came over to me on the couch and did the "Please" sign!!! My heart melted and I realized what he was asking for...of course we gave him a cookie! Later on this evening he heard the kids asking for dessert and a cookie and did the same thing to cute! He finally gets it!!! OR he is figuring out we melt when he does those new things!!!

I LOVE being a mom!! Greatest, but hardest job there is. I read this quote from Charles Swindoll in my Bible Study book today (Training Up A Mom By Vollie Sanders)...

"There is no more influential or powerful role on earth that a mother's. As significant as political, military, educational, or religious figures may be, none can compare to the impact made by mothers. Their words are never fully forgotten, their touch leaves an indelible impression, and the memory of their presence lasts a lifetime."

Wow...that is a LOT to take in.

January 25, 2011

Had a quiet day at home with Craig and Levi. Got some rest and some laundry done. Even made a run to Kroger for groceries! I've been fighting a head cold and didn't want to do anything, but was glad I pushed through and got the stuff done while Craig was home to take care of Levi.

On the way home from picking up the kids from school I asked them what game they wanted to play, gave instructions on what needed to happen once we got in the door (backpacks, lunch bags, homework folders, etc...). I really struggle with the whole homework thing! Thank God my kids don't get much homework each night, but the do all have to spend some time reading. I feel like the evenings go by so fast and a lot of the nights I am just too tired to deal with it all. With Levi, dinner, dishes, getting ready for the next school day, showers, baths, can be overwhelming. Since Craig was home I decided to take the time to really spend some quality time with the 3 older kids. Alex got the Sorry game ready, I put a log in the fireplace and we all sat around playing the game while Craig graciously made dinner (spaghetti...yum)!! It was a special time for us and so easy when Levi was still napping! After the game we had some time to read so each one of the read to me by the fire. That one on one time is so important...I've known that for a long time, just didn't always take the time to do it. It isn't always possible when Craig is traveling, but I am going to make a HUGE effort in taking at least 15 minutes for each Alex, Drew & Autumn!!!

Going to bed early in hopes that I get a good night sleep tonight. Levi has been waking up in the night the last few nights and staying awake for almost 2 hours crying. Poor kid. Teething is NOT fun!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

It's a brand new year and the first month is almost over...

I want to take a little time each day to just jot down what we've accomplished, struggled with, are blessed with...but I just don't take the time to do it. Here we go again...another attempt at blogging!!! I've realized it doesn't have to be long, or perfect with pictures every day...just memories!!!

Today it's been quiet around the house. It's snowing again so a perfect day to stay inside! Craig went to work this morning for a short out and back and should be home later this afternoon/evening. The 3 Neville kids are at school so it's just me & Levi! We enjoyed some play time this morning looking at books and playing with Little People! I am looking forward to the K-2nd grade concert tonight! Autumn is excited to wear her pretty Christmas dress and Drew doesn't care what he wears!!!

Yesterday we went to church at Walled Lake Central and it was good to see some friends and worship together. After church Autumn went home with Ellen and Josh came home with us! The boys played video games the whole time. It wasn't long until we had to head out to Alex's Flag Football game. His team is the Buccaneers! He LOVES this sport! They lost their game, but Alex did get a breakaway and scored a touchdown! He is really fast out there on the field! I love watching my boys play sports! Autumn, my little Daisy Scout had fun selling her cookies and we sold 71 boxes...not too bad. I volunteered to be the "Cookie Mom" and took some time last night to put the order in the system...I think it was around 640 boxes we sold as a troop!

Time to clean up the kitchen from breakfast...