Levi is 4 months old!!!

He is doing so many new things...he likes to play with his little toys now and can get them into his mouth to suck on. He likes to sit up more in his swing to see what's going on around him.
Levi finally got to meet his big brother Ryan while we were in Georgia for our winter vacation!

He did such a great job at Magic Kingdom and riding in the car from Michigan to Georgia to Florida and back again!

He also got a Johnny Jump Up from Grandpa & Memaw Pritchett and he is getting use to jumping and playing in that too!

He is on a great schedule for me...sleeps 10 hours at night and takes (2) 2 hour naps and then one shorter one sometime in the evening.
He is a joy to have around...smiling and cooing and giggling! The kids enjoy the challenge of making him smile and entertaining him!

Time is flying by once again and I wish I could stop it right here for awhile... I have to make his 4 month check-up appointment to find out how much he has grown...
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