Monday, March 29, 2010

Wow...another month has passed. March has been a busy month...not that every other month isn't busy for our family of 7!

My birthday was on the 11th...the kids had a full day of school so while they were at school, Craig and Levi took me out to lunch. When we picked up the kids from school we stopped for ice cream on the way home and had dessert before dinner! Levi was laying down for a nap in the morning that day and was fighting it and all of a sudden rolled over from his tummy to his back! He hasn't done it since, so that was a nice little b-day gift :)

I have been watching Grace every Tuesday from 12 to 4pm while Ellen takes the other kids to their reading class. Autumn loves to help me and one week Grace was crying and Levi was hungry so Autumn sat in the rocker and Grace sat with her and fell was special!

My friend Lori and her family rented out a roller rink to celebrate birthday's in their family and they invited us to come and I invited Kathy Maurer and her kids...we drove all the way out to Monroe to roller skate but it was a lot of FUN! The kids did pretty good on skates. Drew was on blades and loved it! I even got on skates and pushed Levi in the stroller. It was great because there weren't a whole lot of people there.

Levi is now 5 months old and as cute as can be! He is sleeping really good at night...about 10 hours. He is taking 2, sometimes 3 naps each day. He loves to play in his exersaucer and is now eating rice cereal with applesauce and some squash. He is finally getting the hang of eating off the spoon.

We've had a fun month of spending time with friends and hanging out with family! We are blessed! Now we are looking forward to Easter on Sunday, Alex's birthday, and Nana & Papa returning from Florida (it's been too long), Spring Break and some fun activities to keep us busy, the warm weather and start of spring sports! Alex will be playing baseball and Papa is coaching so they are excited about that. Drew is playing soccer! Autumn, Levi & I will go from sport to sport and cheer them on!

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