
Looks like a once a month Blog entry is all I'm getting to these days...
April was another busy month for our family! We had a lot of fun celebrating Easter, Spring Break and Birthday's!!!
Alex turned 8 on Easter Sunday! The kids and I drove down to Chris & Mandy's after church for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt! Nana & Papa met us there and joined us just in time for the egg shaped cake! My big boy Alex is really 8 years old! Wow...I can't believe it! Just this morning we were driving to school and he said something about going to school everyday and I told him just a few more weeks and he will be on summer break and be an official 3rd grader...then I stopped and said, "Alex, I can't even say those words...it's too hard! You are growing up too fast!"
Over spring break we enjoyed some fun activities with friends...play dates, swimming at the Canton Summit with nana & papa, Bowling on Friday once daddy Craig was home. My friend Salena turned 30 so her hubby planned a great surprise party that Saturday! It was a great spring break. Originally we had hoped to travel to Tennessee for part of the week, but it didn't work out with Craig's schedule so I didn't know how the week would go with the kids home...we stayed busy!!!
My nephew Eli turned the BIG 1 year old on the 15th and we had a party in Perrysburg, OH on the 17th. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and watch him open his gifts and eat his cupcake!! After we left the party my parents joined the kids and I at Splash Universe for the night...it is an indoor water park in Dundee, MI. We got a family fun suite with a king size bed in one room, 2 bunks in another and a little living space! The kids loved playing at the park, swimming in the pool, and just having fun! We were tired by the time we got home on Sunday!
The boys have started baseball and soccer for the spring season. Alex is on the South Lyon Junior League...Bulls team! My dad is coaching so that is a lot of fun for him! It is a blessing to me since my dad can drive him to practices and I don't have to sit there with the other kids. Drew is on the South Lyon Rec soccer league on the Astors team...he is a super star out there! He missed the first game because he was sick and the next week he scored 5 goals...the other parents and coach said he was not allowed to miss anymore games! He was proud of that!!! Autumn isn't playing any sports this season, but she is my big helper around the house. She LOVES to play with Levi! One day I was not feeling good and Craig was out of town so she asked if she could change Levi's diaper...she did it from start to finish and did a great job!
On Sunday, April 25th we had the April birthday party at Ellen's house and celebrated Alex, Hannah, Ellen & Chris' birthdays! It was a fun day! Spending time with ALL 10 cousins!
Levi is now 6 months old! I can't believe a 1/2 year has gone by already! He is adorable of course and doing so many new things each week. When Craig is gone on a trip and comes home, he notices more than me the new things Levi is doing. He loves to walk around the house in his walker now. He is sitting up and playing with toys! Levi is a chatter box always talking and laughing. He has the best giggle around. I love it when he is giggling so hard he closes his eyes! Adorable!!! (if I may say so myself)...
Craig and I...same old, same old...he continues to work hard to provide for our family and I am at home with the kids enjoying the time I have with them while they are still little. I am thankful for his days off and the help he gives me around here. He helps with the running back and forth to school and cooking our meals! I am so blessed! I mapped out a couple routes around the neighborhood and started walking...would love to turn that into running eventually...we'll see!
What a month April was...and to think it's only the beginning of May and our calendar is FULL! Baseball games start on the 11th and go twice a week until July. Soccer continues for the month of May. School is winding down and we are getting excited about summer vacation, hopefully a visit from Ryan and our trip to Tennessee!
See you next month!!!
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