Saturday, January 9, 2010

Project Linus Blanket...

Today was a fun day at our house...

Through Disney's Give-A-Day, Get-A-Day...we did Project Linus Blankets. We made no-sew blankets to give to this charity that takes the blankets to babies and kids in the was a great opportunity for our kids to be involved in giving to someone else (especially after the holidays and all the stuff they were given)!!! You sign up for a charity and then Disney sends you a voucher for a free ticket into one of the parks once you have completed your project. Sounded easy and would save LOTS of money when we go in February!

My parents came over around noon, we picked up Ellen and the ladies went to Wal-Mart to buy the fleece and some snacks...we were making 10 blankets total. We got back to my house where all the kids were waiting and started cutting and tying knots! The kids did great! They got the hang of it and went to town...

After we finished the 10 blankets we needed to make, we took the leftover material and made each of the girls a Bitty Baby blanket and then the 6 kids got a little blanket for their Webkinz, dolls...etc... and Ellen and I made little ones for Grace & Levi too!

Such a great way to give back to others...we all decided even if we weren't getting something in return...we want to do it again next year or later on this year. The blankets really are simple to make and with the assembly line we had going, it went smoothly!

Enjoy the pictures...

Ellen and mom cutting the fleece and nana teaching the girls how to tie the knots.

Dad cutting more fleece and Alex & I working on knots!

Ellen helping Drew & Josh get started.

The girls and I working hard...Rob & the girls working hard!

The girls with one of their finished blanket!

The boys with one of their finished blankets!

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