Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The other day Drew & Autumn were playing outside with blankets and backpacks and all kinds of little stuff (junk)! I asked them what they had in their backpacks and Autumn showed me a card that she had given to was a Valentine card from Nana & Papa. They both took their cards and changed them to be to each other. Than Autumn says, "Me & Drew are BFF's!" I asked, "What does that mean (just wandering if she really knew)?" She said, "Best Friends Forever!" Then they grabbed hands and walked away together! Oh so cute!

Those are the moments I want to remember! Not the fighting and bickering that has been going on way too much around here. Why can't we just all get along and be BFF's all day every day!!!


Mary Beth said...

How sweet! I LOVE that. You need to book mark this....make a hard copy... and show it to them when they are 15 or 16!

Love you.

Anonymous said...

how cute!