Saturday, May 31, 2008


The kids have been playing so nice all day...we started with setting up ALL the Playmobil in Alex's room. They played in there for an hour maybe. They moved on to other games and things to play. They just asked me to go out with them and play's pretty windy out but we gave it a shot. Alex hit a couple good ones. Drew hit some good ones too. Autumn tried but couldn't get it. Drew was up again and hit it REALLY hard. It hit me right below the knee at a fast speed. Ouch! It was red at first but now you can see the outline of the ball hitting like a welt. I am sure it will be black and blue in a little while. I am done playing baseball for now so we are going to have a little snack, color a little, and maybe even watch a movie. I guess I'll tell myself what I tell the kids every time they get hurt...Be tough! It's that time of year when everyone gets hurt doing the fun activities outside!

Ouch - that sums it up!

1 comment:

perfectly p said...

My ouch came while playing trucks with Liam (my five year old). His "crash" was brutal and left me with a jammed index finger. That boy needs to learn how to drive.
